Sunday, January 1, 2012

Week 18 Pre-SNF Update

Some wild ones today, but here's the latest look:

Week 18 W L %
GR 6 3 66.7%
JH 6 3 66.7%
CP 5 4 55.6%
GT 5 4 55.6%
JR 4 5 44.4%
JG 4 5 44.4%
MR 4 5 44.4%
AW 4 5 44.4%
SS 4 5 44.4%
TN 3 6 33.3%
MS 3 6 33.3%
MC 3 7 30.0%
LW 3 7 30.0%
MH 2 7 22.2%
RO 2 7 22.2%
MO 2 7 22.2%
MT 2 7 22.2%

So here's the deal, GR and JH both have a NYG cover = a tie between those 2 that would come down to the tiebreaker. GR has 44, JH has 56. GT also has NYG, so he can not catch the leaders. However, if DAL cover the +2.5 then CP would create a 3 way tie for the win for Week 18 and the tiebreaker numbers are as follows:


It's going to be a crazy finish for week 18.

As for the overall title, we have declared a champion. Steve Schuft, wihtout winning a single week on his own this year, is your overall Champ. He has a 1 game lead on TN, and they both have NYG congrats to Steve. Tait will either take 2nd all to himself, or a DAL cover would force a 2nd place overall split between Tait and Cole. GR and JH are both a game behind Cole, and MR is a game behind them.

So there you go - tonight will wrap up the regular season of the Football Challenge. I'll throw out a Bowl Update with picks and standings for tomorrow before the games start.

It sounds like after 6+ hours of football today, I'm being strong armed into a viewing of the "Little Rascals" tonight over DAL-NYG, so I'll be a phone follower.

Good Luck to everyone with a dog left in the fight!! Congrats again to Steve on his 54.4% season and $350 payday!!

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