The wait is over, Football season is finally here and more importantly, the Football Challenge is firing up for it's 6th season. We have grown every year since inception, from our humble beginnings with 4 idiots who had no idea what they were doing, to last year's 26 strong and winner who hit 59%!! This season, it appears as if we will be growing once again to at least around 30 members (assuming everyone from last season is back). Depending on how many we do end up with, I have considered changing the weekly prizes from $50 to $100 and making it even more exciting from week to week. I'll let you know how that works out once we have a final tally for players this year.
Anyway, for those of you who may be new to the Football Challenge, or for those of you who have just forgotten over the long and painful off-season, here's the rundown of what we will be doing:
- It is a point spread league where we pick 15 games per week against the spread in NCAA and NFL.
- You will pick 5 NCAA, 5 NFL, and 5 other games from either league each week.
- 2 pts for a win, 1 pt for a tie
- Weekly winner is determined by who scores the most points that week.
- $$$ is given out for weekly winners, regular season winners, and post-season winners
- $100 to enter - accounts for 18 weeks of regular season and Bowl/NFL Playoff Challenge
- Spreads are sent on Tuesday morning (email) and are taken from current lines (BOOKMAKER)
- Picks are due back to me by Thursday at noon, and I will send a recap that contains all of the picks of all the players.
- submit MNF pick ATS
- 2 guys tie = split, more than 2 = carry-over
Got it? It's pretty simple. The entire league is email based (or text based for those that choose that method). I will provide large weekly previews and a summary each week of what happened.
So now the important part - how do I enter?
Here is a list of the guys that have a running balance with me from last season or golf or other wagering ventures:
GT - 35.00
GR - 100.00
Bomb - 60.00
Cole - 100.00
Luke W. - 75.00
Steve - 50.00
Stone - 10.00
Mark O. - 50.00
Dan S. - 30.00
JG - 100.00
Please send me the balance of what you owe ($100 to enter for the season). For those of you that are new or have no balance - please send me the money via check/paypal/or pay me cash if you see me sometime.
ENTRY FEES ARE DUE IN FULL BEFORE THE SEASON STARTS. I NEED TO HAVE ALL MONEY BY AUGUST 25TH! Please don't wait until the last minute - do it ASAP while you are thinking about it. I have an elite group of thugs that will hunt you down if needed. Also - please let me know if you don't plan on playing this year...I'm not sure why you would choose this, but give me a head's up if that is the case.
Time to start getting excited! Please let me know if you have any questions. One last thing, I track all the weekly summaries, previews, etc on a blog which is linked to in this email. Check it out if you'd like. It should give you a good feel for how this thing rolls, and is a resource in case you lose an email from me. Please forward me any other guys who you think may be interested - always looking to get more in the pool and make this a second full time gig!!