Monday, August 29, 2011

Official Week 1 Lines - return picks by NOON Thursday

The wait is over - week 1 is here. Week 1 in the Football Challenge is a little different since we have no NFL on tap this weekend, so please send me your 15 NCAA picks for this week. I just need the team you are picking not necessarily who they are playing - whatever format works best for you.

I also still need $$$ from the following:

Only 7 stragglers out of 17, not too bad. Please try and get it to me before Thursday. are the games. Bottom team is the home team, a minus obviously means they are giving that many points and no minus means they are getting that many points. Once again, these are the opening lines from the USA TODAY website.


FIU -12.5

MEM 24

WIS -32.5

SYR -6

IDAHO -8.5

UK -18

BAY 10

AUB -28

BC -7

MIZZ -19

OHIOST -33.5

PUR -15

ALA -33.5

MICH -14.5

HOU -4.5

ILL -15

USC -18.5

FSU -28.5

ND -8.5

CLEM -13


STAN -28

PITT -26

NM 3.5

CAL -6

FLA -31

IND -6

OKST -34

TEX -22

NILL -13

SC -15

NMST 10.5

OK -22

GEO 2.5

LSU -3

SOMISS -11.5

HAW -7.5

WV -19

A&M -13.5


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

College Football Comedy

Can you tell it's getting close to the season - I'm starting to write on this thing everyday. But some of this stuff is so good, it just had to be shared.

1. CY-HAWK TROPHY...scrapped?!?

Well, that didn't take long! The new Cy-Hawk trophy has apparently been voted down by everyone and will be scrapped. So this year's classic Clone-Hogeye game will be played for an interim trophy or no trophy at all. I guess they'll be going back to the drawing board to try and get more creative this time it is again:

2. EDSBS Blog
Every day should be Saturday is a great blog for anyone with any kind of interest in College Football and they will be guaranteed to make you laugh everyday...check it out when you get a chance. Today they had their Big East preview, the best part was the graph they used to preview the always exciting Uconn Huskies:

That's awesome...UCONN football in graphical format.


I like Derek Dooley and think he'll do a fine job at Tennessee, but you have to question him on this door painting. I think he's trying to motivate, but a little proofreading might have saved him some embarassment...I think the intent was to say we have all this potential and the opportunity is now here and it's time to fulfill it...but when you put it too close together it makes it look like Dooley is hopeless for his squad:

Dan Persa, Northwestern QB, tore up his leg in the WIN over Iowa last year - but it was so worth it. Anyway, he's on the rebound and a potential All B10 QB this season. However, he's still not fully recovered from the injury and is walking with a limp. Coach Fitz, when asked about the limp, said "one man's limp is another man's pimp walk." Odd choice of words, but I think this could stick with Persa going forward. The Purple NW colors could fit it quite well with his pimp image...I see some photoshopped comedy coming in the future for Mr. Persa.

Jerry Kill is also 50 today - anyone else surprised by that? Doesn't he seem a lot closer to 65 than 50?

8 more night without football...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

17 Players!

And we've added another...Jeremy Hammon, another LeRoy native, will also be joining in on the fun for this year. So that gives us a nice round number of 17. Payouts will change as follows:

Still $50/wk to the winner.

$350 for overall 1st place
$100 for overall 2nd place

$250 for post-season 1st place
$100 for post-season 2nd place

Reminder to get me your $$$ by the first game (SEPT 1st - Thursday night), which is only 10 nights away!!

Send a check to my house, drop off check/cash to me at work, paypal it to me from your bank account, or any other way you can come up with that works. I'd like to have everyone paid up before we start the games.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Football Challenge 2011 - The Players

16 guys lined up for this year - here's what I know about each one to help give you an idea of what you are up against. One other quick note before I get into the players, all the communicado you get from me is posted at a blog for the league which you should be able to link to through any of the emails. Check it out if you accidentally miss or delete something - or just send me a note and I'll get you what you need. Alright, on to the players!

1. JR (James Rollins)
- Alligences: GOPHERS, VIKES
- Blindly optimisitic about the Maroon and Gold every year
- Hawkeye HATER, Badger disliker
- Never done well in this contest before, but continue to run it year in and year out because it's too much fun to quit now. I think it might finally be my year!
- LeRoy, MN native...go ahead, be jealous.

2. JG (Jared Groehler)
- Alligences: GOPHERS, PURPLE
- Picks are predictable, for Gophers, against IOWA and WIS...for MIN against GB...that's 5 of his picks every week!
- 49.8% career player, 2nd worst all-time better than only JR
- One of the original 4 to start in the Football Challenge long ago
- Vices are Captain, Vanilla Vodka, and Jeremiah Weed
- Non-beer drinker who went to beer drinking festival this year
- Hutch Tiger

3. MR (Mike Roe)
- Alligences: GOPHERS, PURPLE (although he's quick to jump off the boat on both!)
- Man to beat year in and year out...lifetime 54.2% player, The Best Around
- Turns in picks late every week squeezing out every extra second he can
- Didn't take 1st last year for the first time since the Football Challenge began
- One of the Original 4 (only 3 of us are left)
- Half man, half chimney
- LeRoy native, so he's awesome

4. AW (Bomb)
- Very few actually know his name is Adam...he is Bomb
- 49.8% player, in the JG/JR range of bad
- Close to joining PGA Tour
- Crown is a separate food group for him
- Hutch Tiger

5. GR (Greg Rollins)
- My Dad, LeRoy native...we won't count those first fews years of your life when you were over the border
- 50.6% career player
- Has too many Iowa loving friends
- Provides balance too the force when in Vegas and the rest of us get retarded
- CC, Crown, Jamison

6. MH (Mark Heinert)
- BBY compadre
- Champion of the World for last year's Football Challenge
- spent all his winnings on diapers
- 52.1% career player...55.6% last year!
- Northfield native
- One of the lucky ones who got in on Gopher Tix before the inevitable shortage that's coming soon

7. MC (Mike Corcoran)
- Loves the MAC and SBC, and rocks at these picks!
- Never saw a mid-week game he couldn't win
- 51% career player
- Gopher season ticket holder
- former BBY guy

8. SS (Steve Schuft)
- Gophers / PURPLE
- Driving force behind picking more NFL games this year
- Hutch Tiger
- 52.4% career player (only 1 year)
- Eventual successor to Les Frazier

9. RO (Rob Olson)
- Gopher Grad
- Beat me down in matchplay in Brainerd
- 53.2% career player (1 year)
- Won way too many games last year for his first time

10. TN (Tait Nelson)
- 1st year player
- Tait, I honestly know nothing about you. Got referred to us by SS. From everything I hear, I think you'll fit in well.
- Feel free to provide any other relevant info that we might need in order to harass you in the future

11. MT (Mike Thomas)
- 1st year player
- SPARTY/LIONS lover...finally a change-up!
- Expert PGA Tour tournament picker
- Witnessed the highlight of the Brew regime in person (Halloween Sparty victory)
- Michigan Native

12. GT (George Thomas)
- 1st year player
- former BBY guy
- SPARTY/LIONS lover as well
- Mike's brother

13. MS (Mike Setnicker)
-1st year player
- Mike, I got nothing on you...yet. Feel free to send across anything we all need to know.

14. CP (Cole Peyton)
- 1st year player
- Oregon native, so he has Duck ties as well
- BBY guy
- NCAA lover, NFL hater
- Wife went to're lucky I even allow you in to this contest!
- enjoys $1 mini Coors light bottles

15. LW (Luke Wendlandt)
- 1st year player
- Gopher allegiance I think
- Brother to Bomb, forming the fearsome golf twosome "The Brothers Bomb"
- Hutch Tiger
- former UFC Champion of the World...or at least for a weekend in Vegas he was

16. MO (Matt O'Groske)
- 1st year player
- LeRoy native!!
- Hit 375 yard drive this summer
- Mentor is Craig Knight, former LeRoy hoops coach
- Enjoys Tequila as much as I do

That's all I got - I don't know some of you as well as I'd like to...but we can change that. The best way to do it is for you to join us on the Annual Vegas Trip. This year we're going OCT 7-8-9, leave on FRI morning and return on MON morning. It's 2 1/2 days of pounding drinks and watching and betting on football games, baseball games, playing cards, and seeing where the evening takes us. 4 of us are booked in for this year, but if you are interested in joining us we're staying at Harrah's and gambling at the Mirage across the street. We'll be there Friday morning. Make some arrangements if you want to come out - we'll be easy to find.

I hope you're all informed now of what you're up against. Enjoy the weekend fellas - we'll be getting down to business very soon.

Rules & Cy-Hawk

Many of you have seen this already, but since we have a lot of newcomers this year I thought I'd send out a complete rules list one more time to get everyone on the same page.

But first, I have to unveil the new Cy-Hawk trophy...and it's a beauty. The mighty Cyclone-Hawkeye rivalry is introducing a new trophy this year...and no, I'm not making this up this is what it actually looks like!

Who wouldn't be fired up to play for the "average Iowa family around a barrel of corn that represents Iowa values." Wow, just when I didn't think you couldn't be any dumber...

For those of you that are fans or non-haters of the Hawkeyes and/or Cyclones, I'm sorry for what you may read over the next 5 months...I can't help it.

Anyway, on to the rules...


- $100/guy is due to me before the first games begin (SEPT 1st)

- Pick 15 games per week (5 NFL, 5 NCAA, 5 others of your choice from either NCAA and/or NFL)

- Week 1 we'll make 15 NCAA picks with no NFL games scheduled, and weeks 14-18 we pick 10 NFL games only since NCAA is done

- 250 total picks throughout the year

- Game lists and spreads are taken from opening lines on the USA TODAY website

- I will send out the list on Monday and/or Tuesday to everyone

- Picks are due back by NOON on THURSDAY each week --> this allows everyone to have the preview before the THUR games begin

- TIES = LOSSES, you actually have to win to earn a W…a team you picked at -3 that only wins by 3 will be considered a loss


- $50 to the weekly winner

- If there is a tie at the top, the $50 prize will carry over to the next week and that will be worth $100 and all will be eligible to win it…one tie, all tie - carryovers will continue until there is a winner.

- $300 to best regular season record, $100 to 2nd place

- $200 to post-season highest point total (explanation below) $100 to Bowl Champion


- This is a completely separate contest once the regular season is complete - everyone starts over at 0-0 for this round

- Post-season consists of 2 parts…the BOWLS and the NFL Playoffs

- All games are given a point value in the post-season and we will make picks on all of the games

- Weightings will be equal for NFL and NCAA so they will both be worth 1/2 of the total for POST-SEASON Points

I will send out a Weekly Preview on THURSDAY once I have collected all the picks, and a Weekly Review on Monday before MNF.

I make my picks on MON/TUES - so I'm not influenced by all of the other picks coming in…which should be obvious by my past results (lifetime I'm in dead last).

That's it, pretty simple. If you have any questions please let me know and I'll get you all the info you need. So you have about 1 more week to study up or pray a lot or whatever else might work for you when trying to beat the smaaat kids that make these numbers. Good Luck!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

New Players Update

Football Challenge 2011 is catching on enough to make this my full time gig. We've added 3 more players, so we are up to a ridiculous 16 for this year...nearly doubling our total from last year.

This also changes our payout structure quite a bit...I put more weight into the weekly wins rather than the total payouts, so here it is:

$50/wk to the weekly winner - 18 weeks
$300 to 1st place overall in the regular season
$100 to 2nd place overall in the regular season
$200 to 1st place in the post-season
$100 to Bowl Champion

Grand Total of $1600 in payouts.

First lines have been posted for NCAA week 1 - I will send them again on Monday 8/29.

I'll send out a rundown of all 16 players for this year in the near future...maybe everyone has at least some familiarity with who you are competing against.

Good luck gentlemen!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Week 1 Lines

Gentlemen - we will be officially underway with Football Challenge 2011 in exactly 3 weeks.

However, you don't have to wait that long to start checking out the opening week lines. Remember, in week 1 we only pick NCAA games because that's all we have for this week. So I will need you to pick 15 games off of this list. Obviously, I don't need these picks for another 3 weeks, but since the numbers are available I figured I'd send them out. Enjoy on this beautiful Thursday afternoon.

If you have questions on my abbreviations please let me know...I tried to make them as intuitive as I could. Once again, these are the opening lines from the USA TODAY website that we will use each week.

FIU -12.5

MEM 24

WIS -32.5

SYR -6

IDAHO -8.5

UK -18

BAY 10

AUB -28

BC -7

MIZZ -19

OHIOST -33.5

PUR -15

ALA -33.5

MICH -14.5

HOU -4.5

ILL -15

USC -18.5

FSU -28.5

ND -8.5

CLEM -13


STAN -28

PITT -26

NM 3.5

CAL -6

FLA -31

IND -6

OKST -34

TEX -22

NILL -13

SC -15

NMST 10.5

OK -22

GEO 2.5

LSU -3

SOMISS -11.5

HAW -7.5

WV -19

A&M -13.5


Monday, August 8, 2011

PGA Championship Pool

Here are the tiers for the 4th and final major pool of the year. Same rules as before (we will change the format next year). Pick 1 golfer from each tier and the guy who has his team of 5 accumulate the most prize money is the winner. $10/guy to enter - max of 1 entry per guy. Payouts will be roughly 60% for 1st, 30% for 2nd, 10% for 3rd. I will send an update Friday night with who made the cut and who didn't.

Get me your 5 picks and $10 by the time they tee off on Thursday morning.



1 Rory McIlroy
2 Lee Westwood
3 Luke Donald
4 Phil Mickelson
5 Tiger Woods
6 Adam Scott
7 Dustin Johnson
8 Steve Stricker
9 Jason Day
10 Rickie Fowler
11 Martin Kaymer
12 Nick Watney
13 Matt Kuchar

14 Sergio Garcia
15 Charl Schwartzel
16 Zach Johnson
17 Hunter Mahan
18 Bubba Watson
19 David Toms
20 K.J. Choi
21 Anthony Kim
22 Graeme McDowell
23 Jim Furyk
24 Padraig Harrington
25 Justin Rose
26 Retief Goosen
27 Robert Karlsson
28 Geoff Ogilvy
29 Y-E Yang
30 Brandt Snedeker
31 Webb Simpson
32 Fredrik Jacobson
33 Martin Laird
34 Ryan Moore
35 Bo Van Pelt
36 Gary Woodland
37 Lucas Glover
38 Ryo Ishikawa

39 Paul Casey
40 Charles Howell III
41 Sean O'Hair
42 Ian Poulter
43 Matteo Manassero
44 Ernie Els
45 Aaron Baddeley
46 Andres Romero
47 Bill Haas
48 Stewart Cink
49 Francesco Molinari
50 Peter Hanson
51 Angel Cabrera
52 Simon Dyson
53 Darren Clarke
54 Ross Fisher
55 J.B. Holmes
56 Louis Oosthuizen
57 Davis Love III
58 Jeff Overton
59 Brendon De Jonge
60 Robert Allenby
61 Keegan Bradley
62 Kyung-Tae Kim
63 Trevor Immelman
64 Alexander Noren
65 Jonathan Byrd
66 Camilo Villegas
67 Rory Sabbatini
68 Alvaro Quiros
69 Anders Hansen
70 Ben Crane
71 Spencer Levin
72 Vijay Singh
73 Thomas Bjorn
74 Richard Green
75 Kevin Streelman
76 Charley Hoffman
77 Ricky Barnes
78 Ryan Palmer
80 John Senden
81 Chris Kirk
82 Brian Gay
83 Steve Marino
84 Edoardo Molinari
85 Jason Dufner
86 Miguel Angel Jimenez
87 Bryce Molder
88 Kevin Na

89 Scott Stallings
90 Jhonattan Vegas
91 Brian Davis
92 Robert Garrigus
93 Scott Verplank
94 Raphael Jacquelin
95 Heath Slocum
96 D.A. Points
97 Cameron Tringale
98 Seung-yul Noh
99 Charlie Wi
100 John Rollins
101 Brandt Jobe
102 Stephen Gallacher
103 Jamie Donaldson
104 Thomas Aiken
105 Jerry Kelly
106 Johan Edfors
107 Ryuji Imada
108 Tommy Gainey
109 J.J. Henry
110 Brendan Steele
111 Johnson Wagner
112 Shaun Micheel
114 David Horsey
115 Fredrik Andersson Hed
116 Gregory Bourdy
117 Bill Lunde
118 Pablo Larrazabal
119 Harrison Frazar
120 Steve Elkington
121 Wen-Chong Liang
122 Yuta Ikeda
123 Arjun Atwal
124 Jose Maria Olazabal
125 Rocco Mediate

126 Craig Stevens
127 Tetsuji Hiratsuka
128 Bob Sowards
129 Daniel Balin
130 Mike Northern
131 Faber Jamerson
132 Brendan Jones
133 David Hutsell
134 Mark Brooks
135 John Daly
136 Jerry Pate
137 Jeff Sorenson
138 Sean Dougherty
139 Stuart Smith
140 Rob Moss
141 Dan Olsen
142 D.J. Trahan
143 Brad Lardon
144 Scott Erdmann
145 Mike Small
146 Hiroyuki Fujita
147 Marty Jertson
149 Rich Beem
150 Larry Nelson
151 Tom Gillis
152 Mark Wilson
154 Michael Bradley
155 Robert McClellan
156 Brian Cairns
157 Steve Schneiter
158 Todd Camplin
159 Scott Piercy
160 Jeff Coston
161 Kris Blanks
162 Chad Campbell
163 Kevin Chappell
164 Paul Goydos
165 Marc Leishman
166 Carl Pettersson
167 Kyle Stanley
168 Chris Stroud
169 Roland Thatcher
170 Jimmy Walker